
Saturday 5 November 2016

3 Facts About MMM That Cannot Change

MMM which is an abbreviation for Marvodial Mundial Movement came into Nigeria in 2015, four years after ex-Russian Parliamentarian, Sergey Marvodi launched the global scheme immediately after leaving prison. MMM runs a pyramid structure (though not an MLM) and judging by antecedence and how it operates, it makes for a difficult task separating it from a Ponzi scheme. MMM—they say—is a community of mutual aiders—that is people helping people. It promises a thirty percent (30%) Return On Investment (ROI) including other bonus payments. It also rewards participants who bring in other members to the scheme. 

After close examination of this scheme, I carefully established these 3 facts that cannot change about MMM. 

Sergey Marvodi, pioneer MMM Global

1. MMM pays

That's right. You read right. MMM pays—oh yes it does. I for one am a whiteness. Although this would sound offensive and ridiculous to critics and sceptics of the Marvodi Mundial Movement, the fact still remains that it pays. How long it will continue that way is a question for another day. This is one fact that is glaring to all; all the same, it's an option to accept it or not. 

2. MMM is fraud. 

I pretty much must have angered a lot of people by saying this, but sorry enough, I reserve no apologies  because what I've said is evidently true. 

A lot of people when asked what MMM actually is, say that it is a mutual community of people helping people. When I hear or read such comments, I nod my head in disdain. How can you claim to be helping me and do it at no cost? And in fact at a profit. 

A fraud is a deceitful scheme and in all sincerity, there's no better way to describe MMM. Okay, let's put things straight. MMM promises 30% return on investment in 30 days plus other add-ons: no business done, no goods to be sold. You insist it's legit and yet can't explain where the 30% emanates from? Who's deceiving who really? MMM is simply a cyclic system of robbing Peter to pay Paul

3. MMM will crash

This is undoubtedly the most widely accepted fact about MMM. Many times people have asked me "when will MMM crash?" Well, the simple reply to that question is at the point of saturation—that is the point where there are no more new entrants into the system. 

But then, there is another seemingly nicer twist to it—the opinion that if those already in the system keep helping themselves, the system won't crash. Well so. However, the unfortunate thing about this assertion is that it hinges on the assumptions that man would not be greedy and also the absence of speculations. These in reality are not feasible, knowing that they are both anti-natural. Thus, the above assertion may not hold water after all.

The fact that MMM banks majorly on new entrants to survive spells doom for its life span. It runs a cyclic system of robbing Peter to pay Paul and therefore, if there's no more a Peter to be robbed, Paul stays unpaid. The end of MMM is similar to that of the coming of Christ— the more you publicise, the lesser the people to be converted, the nearer you get to the end. So let me just rap up the story of MMM's life span with a quote from the Bible in Matthew 24:14 "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."

I rest my case.

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